i grew up on a stupid farm eating moron seeds
feel free to use any music i upload here. just provide credit
Joined on 1/19/19
Posted by JizzyJazz - April 18th, 2024
Feeling the need to chronicle what's been going on lately since I haven't done so for a while. I try not to spam front page posts anymore since it started to bug me how much of it is just mindless self-plugs, so here we go with something more interesting:
I have ideas for 2 new albums that I'm going to try to produce and release this year on NG aswell as my bandcamp.
The first will include these songs, among others that I'm still working on:
The other is an idea that I've had ruminating in my brain for a while now. When I first started making music, I set out to try to replicate the style of music that I actually personally listen to day by day. While I stand behind most of the songs that I've made 100% and can speak to how fun they were to work on, my production style is rooted in vibes and spur-of-the-moment, lightning-in-a-bottle type situations where I have a spontaneous idea and decide to expand upon it to the best of my ability. I want this to be me trying to change that and work with influence and inspiration for once.
Speaking of making music, I've had a severe art block for months now! It's a little hard to get around to producing more muzak lately, but I will try to power through in lieu of the album that I'd like to finish sometime soon.
I've been supplementing the lack of musical work by getting into video editing and have made a couple of videos already using clips that I've recorded myself in various games. It's not exactly technically impressive or overly interesting, but I had fun working on it and trying something new. If you like watching valve game clip dumps, feel free to comment and I'll link you to some vids of mine.
I've run out of things to address now, so here's some more recent releases of mine. Thx for reading
Posted by JizzyJazz - January 19th, 2024
Thank you for the support. I love being here and I'm looking forward to writing the 10th anniversary post, and seeing how far I've come since then.
I'm currently buried deep under college stuff and an album project that I'm working on, so I have nothing to promote right now. If you don't know me, here's a sample platter of what I'm usually up to on newgrounds:
All of my songs are free use; if anything tickles your fancy, you may use it in your own projects. I only expect credit
Besides all that, I'm still working on a few sporadic tunes. I'm hoping to finish one of them before the end of this month, so look forward to that. Thank you for the support if you've followed me/bought my music before (you can do so on my bandcamp).
Thanks for reading and have a good day!
Posted by JizzyJazz - August 15th, 2023
I'm going through some major burnout lately and probably won't be able to upload for another month. Here's what I do have for you in the meantime though, if you haven't checked it out already.
the first thing is a cover that i've had done for a long time, but never found any vocalist who could do it justice. so i decided to just release it as an instrumental as usual. that isn't to say that i am done with it though. if you want to sing for it, PM me and we could work something out.
the second song is something i started at one point and then never got around to finishing. that's about the time the burnout started so i released it as is.
i know it's probably bad form to release songs when they're not fully realized/finished yet, but i would rather just have these things out rather than holding onto them for years. i don't know how anyone else feels, but i personally get a lot of joy out of hearing half realized ideas/musical what-if's. i hope someone else feels the same way about it.
so that's it. we'll see what i come up with once this burnout wears off. whatever happens you can always find me in the NG chat.
Posted by JizzyJazz - June 19th, 2023
Surprisingly enough, I haven't actually written a blog post yet that isn't either a shitpost, TMI blog post or lazy self-shill. So allow me to self-shill a little more elaborately here;
I think this may be the only ever written blog post on this website that begins with the word "Surprisingly". While I'm here I might aswell knock out two birds with one stone and make this the only ever blog post to end with the word "Serendipitously"
Posted by JizzyJazz - May 12th, 2023
hey, i've been garnering an influx of fans on newgrounds lately. what better way to celebrate than with another unnecessary life update?
i'd like to preface this blog post by making it clear to you in advance: i am a 20 year old shut-in with no job nor active schooling. my life is extremely uneventful and uninteresting, so if you've started reading this in anticipation of some grand anecdote, now is the time to stop reading. i'm writing this purely for self-therapeutic reasons
so what's been going on with me? not much. i've been self-reflecting a lot lately, which I try to avoid doing since i've now reached the age where thinking back to the "good old days" starts to hurt because you tend to automatically compare the past to the present and future.
one of my covers ended up being used in Newgrounds vs Youtube, which i felt pretty honored to find out about.
i don't have the consistent release schedule that most other musicians on newgrounds have, but i still plan on making more music for the foreseeable future. time isn't an issue, it's just a personal preference of mine to only really work on music when i have a particularly inspired streak going, which now happens more consistently than it used to atleast. so if you're one of the 5 or so people that follow my work: you're in for a lot more in the future.
in other news: i may be getting my driver's license soon. i have an exam on the 17th this month, and if all goes well, i may finally be driving myself around soon.
i've been doing pretty much nothing besides work on the driver's license and the entry exam since september now, which may seem like an unusually long time to most other drivers, but i guess that's just how the system has evolved in recent years. the amount of people who own and drive a car is becoming a real problem, and they're hoping to slightly remedy it by raising the bar for getting your license to begin with. it's kind of an awkward time for me to be doing my driver's license, but i'm content with simply having done it, even though i've spent more than 3000 euros on it so far. i hope to be able to drive myself to concerts and other stuff once i finally have my own car.
as for finding a job or someplace to study; there hasn't been much of any progress. i have a plan Z in place which involves my dad trying to secure me a job at his brother-in-law's social office for the disabled, which is really not something i particularly care for but if all else fails, that's probably going to be what i do.
i signed up for indeed and linkedin (unnecessarily) a few weeks ago, which are essentially job hunting sites. you make a profile and then have an algorithm suggest local jobs to you that may fit your preferred work criteria. i don't know if it's just me being stingy or ignorant or what, but every job that i'm being offered kind of feels like it falls under the same 5 categories. you're either driving around town delivering something, arranging things, cleaning things, exchanging money or selling something. i know that you're not meant to be picky about what job you want, but i feel like it's got to be atleast something that i won't quit after 2 weeks because of boredom or apathy in the task at hand. none of the advice i'm getting from anyone seems to help my particular situation so i guess i'll just have to wing it and see what happens in the future.
that's all i got on my mind right now. i'm in the NG supporter chat during most days so feel free to come hang out there.