So I've tried to write about what I've experienced at school today for about a half hour straight now; and I just don't know how to put it into words in a wall of text. Let me give you the fast version instead:
I had to repeat a grade years ago. Today I realized that all my old friends from my old grade are graduating soon, and I probably won't see the vast majority of them anymore.
While I'm happy for them, I can't help but dread the lonesome drag that my 1 remaining year in high school is going to be. I've never been good at letting go of old friends, and this certainly isn't any easier. I've known some of those lads for 8, even 10+ years now, and it's looking like this whole collective chapter is coming to an end soon.
It makes me feel old;
and I know, there's plenty of old fucks in their 30's and 40's on this website that would probably roll their eyes at that remark, but this is huge to me.
That's all I can muster right now. be good, have a nice rest of your day, etc.