So as easter slowly approaches, and lockdown gets more and more strict every week, I'm gonna have a lot of free time on my hands soon. I thought I'd use it to expand my horizons, music wise and video game wise.
I've got the music side covered (thanks, youtube recommendations), but I'm pretty clueless on the video game front right now. So I thought the Newgrounds community could throw me a bone here.
Give me some suggestions on what I should play!
I'm pretty open to anything right now (besides JRPGs. unless it's a REALLY good one), so go ahead and give me whatever you got. I'll play anything, except for current and last gen PS/Xbox games, since I don't own those systems and I doubt I can emulate them. I do own a nintendo switch though.
So go ahead! Gimme some good vidya games
I mean, obviously I'm going to recommend MY game, haha! There's a demo here: